We offer caregivers several options for support and education, including a twice monthly support group and monthly lunch & learn. Join us at Burlington Senior Center! Click below for more information or call Gavin at (360) 755-1235

Click for more Information

<a href=”#”><strong>Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday</strong></a>

Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday

We hold twice monthly Caregiver Support Group meetings. Our support groups offer a safe and supportive environment to share and learn from other caregivers.

Last Monday of the Month

Last Monday of the Month

We hosts monthly Lunch & Learn meetings where we invite local experts to share knowledge and insights over a light home-made lunch. Guest speakers cover a broad range of caregiver-related topics spanning medical, legal and social issues.

Call for schedule

Call for schedule

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is an educational series designed to provide you with the tools you need to take care of yourself while caring for others. A new series of classes will begin spring 2025.