Skagit Adult Day Program

Dementia is a brain disease that affects one of five families in drastic and devastating ways. Left with few choices, the caregiver, often a spouse or adult child, must take over the exhausting task of tending to the needs of someone whose brain is dying.

Skagit Adult Day Program offers a unique combination of support for the caregiver and a supervised day program where special needs adults can participate in a supportive group setting amongst peers.

Before our program began, caregivers had two options: Keep their loved ones home as long as possible with the help of family, friends and paid home nursing care, or, permanent placement in a full-care facility. SADP offers a third option: One that provides respite and support to the caregiver which enables them to keep their loved one at home longer, sometimes until the final days of their life.

We offer a day program, home-cooked lunch, and private bathing sessions. Clients can attend for as many hours a day and as many days a week as their family chooses.

Participation in our day program provides:

  • A means to conserve family assets.
  • Caregivers with much needed downtime.
  • An affordable option until more permanent long-term-care becomes necessary.
  • A safe environment among peers where clients feel accepted, appreciated, and inspired.

Most of our client relationships begin with a property tour, followed by a consultation with our Site Director or Executive Director, and a visit to a Caregiver Support Group meeting. Clients have found these are easy ways to become acquainted with our program.

If you are struggling with the pressures of caring for a loved one with dementia, we encourage you to give us a call or send us a message.